Successful stories

We work with a select group of landscape contractors, water feature and lighting design specialists to ensure the garden design process.



We work collaboratively with our clients, listening to their needs, to ensure that the garden design brief is clear and is interpreted correctly in the finished plan.

"Dzsindzsa Nindzsa is a young and intelligent team with great expertise in the field of rope technique, arboriculture and garden-management. Their prices are reasonable and they organise and complete the jobs quickly and to very high standards. They also clean up very thoroughly after themselves. I was absolutely satisfied with the way they did their job in the gardens of my weekend cottage and in our block of flats too.  Due to the above, I can highly recommend them to anyone wanting a quick and excellent job done in their gardens."


" Even the name itself is brilliant: Dzsindzsa Nindzsa. The team indeed do their job with great expertise, care and conscience - just like ninjas do. In our case, they were asked to remove a huge poplar in a narrow street, surrounded by houses and right next to electrical cables - which is a challenge.  They however managed to do this task in an absolutely safe and professional way. Big thanks to them! We do recommend them from the bottom of our hearts."


"I do recommend the Dzsindzsa Nindzsa team to all with absolute sincerity. They have saved our beautiful, great tree that had split in two with the utmost care, readiness and professionalism. It was a pleasure to watch them doing their job. I am sure I can count on them if any other tree-related challenge comes up."


"Őszintén ajánlom a Dzsindzsa Nindzsa csapatát . Szolgálatkészen, nagy körültekintéssel és szakértelemmel mentették meg a hosszában megrepedt nagy fánkat. Öröm volt nézni a munkavégzésüket. Bármilyen egyéb problémánál is számítok rájuk."


"A Dzsindzsa Nindzsa egy fiatal, intelligens csapat, nagy hozzáértéssel az alpin favágás és kertrendezés területén. Jellemző még rájuk a korrekt árajánlat, gyors és pontos ügyintézés és a tiszta munka (szépen feltakarítják a terepet maguk után). Nyaraló kertben és városi társasházi kertben, nagyobb volumenű munkák során többször is igen jó tapasztalatom volt velük, mindenkinek tudom jó szívvel ajánlani őket."


"Már a névválasztás, Dzsindzsa Nindzsa, is zseniális! Nagy szakértelemmel, figyelemmel, lelkiismeretesen dolgozik a csapat. Nálunk egy nagy nyárfát kellett kivágni, vezetékek, szűk utca és házak ölelésében. Profi volt a kivitelezés, nagyon köszönjük! Jó szívvel ajánljuk őket mindenkinek!"


I highly recommend the Nindzsá Dzsindzsa group to take care of your trees. This is a group of real experts who provide thoughtful advice on how best to prune and remove if necessary your trees. All of the members of the team are pleasant and respectful and willing to go the extra mile to satisfy clients. They are in addition extremely neat, and remove all debris when their work is completed. We have used them many times for our ancient trees, and can gladly recommend them to all.
